If you are about to miss a mortgage payment, or have missed a couple already, I can help you avoid the trauma associated with the foreclosure process. There is a FREE, legal alternative to a foreclosure called a "Short Sale".
Foreclosure is something many people didn't think would ever happen to them. The reality is, it can happen to anyone. Here are just a few of the reasons people are faced with foreclosure:
Foreclosure is something many people didn't think would ever happen to them. The reality is, it can happen to anyone. Here are just a few of the reasons people are faced with foreclosure:
- Rising Interest Rates
- Unemployment
- Personal Tragedy
- Health Problems
- Death of a Family Member
- Re-deployment
Our Team of professionals are currently assisting other home owners minimize the impact on the credit rating by negotiating a short sale with their bank/lender.
Are you having trouble making your current mortgage payment and absolutely dreading the day when your interest rate adjusts? Minimize the impact on your credit rating and utilize a FREE, legal, lender approved solution to a foreclosure. Do a "Short Sale" before foreclosure!
Are you having trouble making your current mortgage payment and absolutely dreading the day when your interest rate adjusts? Minimize the impact on your credit rating and utilize a FREE, legal, lender approved solution to a foreclosure. Do a "Short Sale" before foreclosure!
Barbara Whisenant
Your Friend in the Business
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Read my Blog: www.barbarawhis.com
Visit my website: www.Homes4SaleSanDiego.com
A Division of Richard Realty Groups, Inc 6986 El Camino Real, Ste. H,
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