Monday, January 25, 2010

Feed The Children – Haiti - Vitameal


image.imgwithborderl By February 22, 2010,  I have made a personal commitment to feed 500 children affected by the devastating earthquake in Haiti.

As you know, I am very passionate about bringing relief to the hungry and suffering children of the world. I have found a very effective way to accomplish this goal. Through Nourish the Children, we do not just feed a starving child, we provide them a specially designed, delicious hot meal that contains all of the essential vitamins and minerals that this deserving child needs to heal the ravaging effects of starvation!

We work hand in hand with Feed The Children, one of the world's most effective humanitarian agencies. Because of the infrastructure that they have in place, (unlike most other food relief organizations), Feed The Children has been given access to a US military transport plane. As of Monday January 18th, Feed The Children has already pulled 2.5 tons of VitaMeal from their Haiti clinic and distributed it to victims. (About 60,000 meals)

FTC has deployed two Feed The Children employees that will oversee the safe feeding of these children. Four thousand more VitaMeal bags are on their way (120,000 meals) and Nu Skin Enterprises has ordered the manufacturing of 20,000 additional VitaMeal bags destined for the children of Haiti!

I am writing you to see if you would consider “adopting” some of these children left homeless and in many cases parentless and alone, due to this devastating earthquake. Each bag will provide a hot nourishing meal for 30 children. $22 feeds 30 children, $44 feeds 60 children and $110 will feed 150 children. With such a generous heartfelt act, Nu Skin Enterprise will thank you by feeding an additional 30 children on your behalf!

This is your chance to reach out to the children of Haiti in a way that is SECURE, and really matters. Your bag is guaranteed to arrive safely and quickly into the hands of one of these desperate children. If you have a desire to reach out and help, PLEASE look at my website at IMMEDIATELY.

My goal is to find loving hearts that will commit to sending one of these 20,000 VitaMeal bags today! In these hard times I find it hard to ask, but the suffering that these children are experiencing is far more devastating than anything we can imagine.


If you would like to make a difference in Haiti, PLEASE LET ME KNOW IMMEDIATLY!

You can either make a one time contribution, in multiples of $22, or - please consider continuing to feed the child you have “adopted”, each and every month?

If you would prefer to purchase VitaMeal for donation online, at my secure site please visit Here you can place your order for VitaMeal with credit card or debit card by clicking on the donation tab.

We have all the reason in the world to implement this challenge.

The reports of devastation and hunger coming from Haiti are some of the worst we have ever seen.

You can also help by passing this information along to people you know who would like to make a difference in these children's lives. The children of Haiti thank you!


Barbara Whisenant

Your Friend in the Business

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